Forma 5 Gr Blank

Here's an example of a simple HTML document:

For documents that use this DTD, use this document type declaration.

The following (relative) URIs refer to DTDs and for HTML 4: • ' -- default strict DTD • ' -- loose DTD • ' -- DTD for frameset documents • ' -- Latin-1 entities • ' -- Symbol entities • ' -- Special entities The binding between public identifiers and files can be specified using a catalog file following the format recommended by the Oasis Open Consortium (see ). A is included at the beginning of the section on SGML reference information for HTML. The last two letters of the declaration indicate the language of the DTD.

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For HTML, this is always English ('EN'). As of the 24 December version of HTML 4.01, the HTML Working Group commits to the following policy: • Any changes to future HTML 4 DTDs will not invalidate documents that conform to the DTDs of the present specification. The HTML Working Group reserves the right to correct known bugs. • Software conforming to the DTDs of the present specification may ignore features of future HTML 4 DTDs that it does not recognize. This means that in a document type declaration, authors may safely use a system identifier that refers to the latest version of an HTML 4 DTD. Authors may also choose to use a system identifier that refers to a specific (dated) version of an HTML 4 DTD when validation to that particular DTD is required.

W3C will make every effort to make archival documents indefinitely available at their original address in their original form. Attributes defined elsewhere • (), () Every HTML document must have a element in the section. Authors should use the element to identify the Since users often consult documents out of context, authors should provide context-rich titles. Thus, instead of a title such as 'Introduction', which doesn't provide much contextual background, authors should supply a title such as 'Introduction to Medieval Bee-Keeping' instead. For reasons of accessibility, user agents must always make the content of the element to users (including elements that occur in frames).

The mechanism for doing so depends on the user agent (e.g., as a caption, spoken). Titles may contain (for accented characters, special characters, etc.), but may not contain other markup (including comments). Here is a sample document title:

Values of the attribute may be rendered by user agents in a variety of ways. For instance, visual browsers frequently display the title as a 'tool tip' (a short message that appears when the pointing device pauses over an object). Audio user agents may speak the title information in a similar context. Automation studio 64 bits download. For example, setting the attribute on a link allows user agents (visual and non-visual) to tell users about the nature of the linked resource.some text. Here's a photo of me scuba diving last summer.some more text. The attribute has an additional role when used with the element to designate an Please consult the section on for details. For example, to specify the author of a document, one may use the element as follows: The element specifies a property (here 'Author') and assigns a value to it (here 'Dave Raggett').