Happy House 1 Activity Book Free Download

• Happy House is a two-year course that introduces children to English through listening and speaking and then, in the second level, provides a gentle introduction to the written word. • Happy House introduces children to English through an appealing storyline which combines both familiar contexts and a fantasy world. Children can relate to the characters Polly, Jack, and their baby sister, while also enjoying the adventures of a family of mice that live under the floorboards. • Each unit follows a very clear pattern which gives children confidence and helps them to learn. • The course involves children in a process of language learning which is fun and highly motivating. It includes catchy songs, cognitive puzzles, and colouring and drawing activities. Stickers are used in Level 1 to reinforce vocabulary in an enjoyable way.

Our discounted price list (PDF). The new Happy House 1 Activity Book offers optional extra activities and cut-outs to complement the Happy House Classbook.

• NEW – Level 2 provides revision and reinforcement from Level 1, combined with new material to both consolidate and further children's learning as they work with the written word for the first time. • The new Happy House 1 Activity Book offers optional extra activities and cut-outs to complement the Happy House Classbook. • The teaches children the Roman alphabet.

Re uploaded by DE on 02-Feb-16 These activities are simple to do in class, they activate the key language of the unit in a meaningful and stimulating way and children can take the finished activity home in order to share their learning with parents. Obrazec blanka napravleniya na rentgen zuba youtube. The Class Book also contains attractive culture pages, introducing children to Anna, a British girl, and to British Christmas and Easter traditions. Who lives in Happy House?


There are two sets of characters in Happy House, and they inhabit parallel worlds within the house. These are: the world of everyday family life, which we experience via the 'real' human family - Mum, Dad, the twins (Polly and Jack), and Daisy, the baby; and the fantasy 'mouse world' featuring Spike and Ruby. Although the mice live behind the skirting and under the floors, they often venture into the rooms of the house, particularly to tease the family cat, Otto, who interacts with both sets of characters.