Paragon Hfs For Windows Crack Screen

This is a repost of a complaint I posted in the Wilders Security Forums which fields Paragon software issues: 'Few days ago I installed HFS+ for Windows, then the other day I noticed that my system blue screened upon shutting of siting error in fltmgr.sys. I thus rebooted and went into event viewer ( was hard as bsod were popping up) and saw that some file called uim something.sys was having errors.

I googled it and found it to be a Paragon file. To make matters worse I couldn't uninstall it and had data corruption and had to revert back to my last april backup loosing data. This is not good.

So I wasn't a hundred percent sure it was that utility so I copied my good partition to another drive on my system and installed the HFS Windows utility again and got an immediate BSOD upon boot! I mean who do these guys hire to do their programming? High school drop outs?

Who is doing the beta testing? Is there any quality control here?! This is ridiculous! This is the second issue I have had with a Paragon product in a month. The first being Paragon Partition Manager Pro crashing upon seeing an ntfs - HFS hybrid guid multi parition drive. Had to upgrade to the HDM Suite Pro with a newer engine to fix this problem.

So I don't know why I installed this HFS utility considering what happened before, and I can tell you that I no longer trust Paragon with my data. As far as I'm concerned trashing someones drive is a serious offense!' I advise any dual HFS NTFS booters to stay away from this product. It is very dangerous! Hi, I've recently tried on my dual boot hackintosh ( Lion - Windoz7 ) Paragon HFS+ 9 for Windows because I always need Windows for Bluray ripping & for Solidworks 3D CAD >Result: Blue Screen Of Death after the second reboot on Windoz7.Unable to boot, even if I was trying Safe Mode.

I've finally found what we must do: 1. Boot on OS X & be sure to have Paragon NTFS installed ( v9.0 is speedy & -at the opposite of HFS+ for Windoz-works like a charm in Lion.) 2. Go to: C: Windows System32 drivers & delete all files which begin like hfs*.sys 3.Try to reboot your windoz partition: it must be ok. 4.Uninstall HFS+ For Windoz & Reboot now Hope it will be helpful for someone of the Hackintosh community.

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Using Paragon HFS+ for Windows® 10 resulted in two HFS+ devices being corrupted. In Windows the volumes are still available read and write, but none of the devices' volumes are available in Mac. Disk Utility sees the devices, the volumes are grayed out, and Disk Utility cannot repair them. Which version of Windows - 7, 8, 8.1? 32 or 64 bit?

Which partition scheme on the drives - GPT, or MBR, or hybrid synced GPT/MBR? Run DiskWarriror 4.4 to try repair the file-systems. Please report back. Fingers crossed. Just to balance the debate a little: I've been using HFS+ 9.0 on my Win7 Pro x64 (dual boots OSx 10.6 & recently 10.9) Core2 based hackintosh for a number of years with no issues. I have previously used MacDrive and that is a PITA.

I also use the NTFS driver on the OSX side, also without issues. That said I am mainly in OSX, and I tend to keep my OSX boot partitions on separate physical volumes from my Windows ones, but I have made changes in both directions and sometimes have had a majority of NTFS volumes sometimes a majority of HFS+ ones. I think that as Win7 x64 seems to enforce a signed driver model (and 32 bit does not) that perhaps there is less likely to be anything else messing around at the low level I/O to cause the kind of errors people have seen (though that's just supposition with no evidence). I started my career in operations for S/370 with people who could read core dumps and patch them on the fly - so I've seen some spectacular losses of data and some amazing recoveries from backups in my time. It seems to me that modern desktop machines contain drivers and s/w in such different configurations that someone somewhere will be an edge case - especially for a product like Paragon's that is expecting to work in the relatively well ordered Bootcamp environment on a limited set of hardware and a known set of drivers. I would always suggest when installing new drivers of this type suggest 'running them in' by only reading/writing on a volume (or best still a drive) that you have only temporary/unimportant data on and run a selection of tests of your typical scenarios on before you use them on more serious things - and, at the risk of suggesting people suck eggs, always have a backup; both Windows and OSX have automated backups these days so keeping important stuff in several places is a fire and forget precaution well worth taking.