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Guess I'll play the 'Apple apologist' for this thread.;) - The dock. What a hideous piece of crap this is. My trash can is on the dock. So are my running applications. So are my non-running applications. But not all of my non-running applications.

To get to those, I have to go into the applications folder, which has a nice alias on the desktop that Apple didn't create. Those useful programs that you only use once in a blue moon? Go dig for them.

How is this different from any other. Well, he'd probably still be with SGI, except they silently imploded 4-5 years ago, which is why he went to Linux.

What stock was included? Wow that's quite a stock list! Msts addon sli norfolk southern horseshoe curve trainset. Does anyone have the consists and if so do these throw any light on the type of wagons? As Ged suggests in post #3 you could now create your own stock pack and consists?

Also, he was a big proponent of the whole 'open source' thing through his work with Mozilla, and chose to eat his own dog food. Honestly, he should get credit for sticking with it for this long. He's a guy who has work he needs to have done, and Linux wasn't cutting it. More importantly, it wasn't cutting it and the 'linux community' refused to accept that it had any failures at all. Well, maybe some token words of acknowledgement, before going off and reinventing the desktop or package manager again. I like Linux just fine as a server. I wouldn't bother with the desktop at all, and haven't for more than 6 years.

I can't believe I even have to think about this shit. What year is it again? This frustration highlights a failing of the Linux-based desktop platform. Put generally, Linux systems often require the user fuss with (and be aware of!) highly technical system tweaks to satisfy some really basic end-user scenarios.

The blog's thread has lots of people going on about ways to fix this particular problem, but frankly I'm on JWZ's side: it's a damn waste of time! At least it is for those whom, the computer is a tool for getting work done, instead of an end in and of itself. Put another way, I'm all for some degree of tweaking in my day-to-day usage. I find and install new tools, write helpful scripts/plugins/etc., and do other 'meta-work' to make myself more productive. This process is kinda fun, too. But having to screw around for hours figuring out what to do just to get more than one app to play audio is insane.

And the real killer is that the solution is probably not to just roll up the ol' sleeves and write some software to 'scratch the itch'. This isn't a software problem, it's a real world problem of fragmented design and developer effort and a lack of a seamless out-of-box experience for Linux-based systems. Getting fed up with that is hardly 'throwing [your] toys out of the pram' -- it's called cutting your losses. My logitech usb mouse has a windows driver I don't quite understand why you're using Windows as a reference, when I was clearly talking about Mac.