Programma Dlya Rascheta Shesteren receives less than 2.05% of its total traffic. It was owned by several entities, from Compubyte Limited to, it was hosted by Compubyte Limited. While RUCENTER-REG-RIPN was its first registrar, now it is moved to. -minsk-snyaty-ogranicheniya-dlya-prodazhi-alkogolya.html 2015-08-26 0.6. -5-vklyuchen-budet-v-obschedostupnyy-paket-programm.html 2015-06-26 0.6. /5872-na-zavode-shesteren-v-stolice-proizoshel-pozhar.html 2009-10-16 0.6.

Similar words:  (1.00) (0.60) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50) ba bachelor of Arts noun bakalavr gumanitarnyh nauk baEC British Atomic Energy Corporation noun Britanskaya korporaciya po atomnoi energii baK backup (file name extension) baK Binary Adaption Kit [Microsoft] baRTS Bell Atlantic Regional Timesharing baS basic Language (file name extension) baSIC 1> (beginner's all purpose symbolic instruction code) BE'SIK. Prostoi dlya izucheniya i primeneniya yazyk programmirovaniya, orientirovannyi na dialogovuyu rabotu. Naibolee rasprostranennyi yazyk, ispol'zuemyi na personal'nyh EVM.

Baal 1> _mif. Baal, Vaal (drevnee semitskoe bozhestvo) 2> idol baalim 1> _pl. Ot baal baalish 1> _mif.

Otnosyashiisya k Baalu, baalov 2> idolopoklonnicheskii baalism 1> poklonenie Baalu 2> idolopoklonstvo baalist 1> sluzhitel' Baala 2> idolopoklonnik babbit-metal 1> babbit babbitry noun obyvatel'shina, meshanstvo babbitry, babbitry 1> _knizh. Meshanstvo; moral' i vkusy srednego amerikanskogo burzhua babbitt, babbitt 1> _lit. Bebbit (geroi odnoimennogo romana Sinklera L'yuisa) 2> meshanin, bezduhovnyi obyvatel', srednii amerikanskii burzhua babbitt-metal 1> babbit babcock test 1> proba Bebkoka (issledovanie moloka na soderzhanie zhira) babel 1> Vavilon _Ex: the tower of babel Vavilonskaya bashnya 2> vavilonskoe stolpotvorenie; smeshenie yazykov 3> (chasto b.) stolpotvorenie; putanica _Ex: what a babel! Nu i nerazberiha!

Chicken: 33-36 h At about 33 hours after fertilization, the embryo is about 4 mm long and the first flexion of the originally straight embryo starts in the head region. The cranial flexure will be visible a few hours later. 96 hour chick embryo serial section 1. Whole-mount preparation 72 hours after fertilization; Information: 72 Hours after fertilization, the rotation of the embryo to the left is arrived such behind the region of the heart and only the caudal part of the embryo must twist 90 degrees. Schematic diagram of a 96-hour chick embryo + Staging Series Staging Series. About + Slime Mold. EE12-3 Chick Embryo 96 Hours Serial Sag Section Prepared Microscope Slide 96 hr chick; serial sagital section A 10% discount applies if you order more than 10 of this item and 15% discount applies if you order more than 25 of this item. Of 96 Hours Chick Embryo: 1. In the chick embryo of 96-hours of incubation, the entire body has been turned through 90 degree and the embryo lies with its left side on the yolk. At the end of 96 hours the body folds have undercut the embryo so that it remains attached to the yolk only by a slender stalk.

_Ex: a perfect babel polnaya raznogolosica; shum i gam _Ex: a babel of voices galdezh 4> (chasto b.) postroika ogromnyh razmerov; zdanie-gigant 5> fantasticheskii zamysel; neosushestvimyi plan _Ex: 'tis but a babel eto neosushestvimo babilonian 1> _ist. Vavilonyanin, zhitel' Vavilona 2> _ust. Papist; katolik; astrolog 3> _ist. Vavilonskii _Ex: babilonian captivity _bibl.

Vavilonskoe plenenie 4> ogromnyi 5> prodazhnyi, podlyi 6> porochnyi, grehovnyi babylon 1> (sovremennyi) Vavilon (gorod, utopayushii v roskoshi i porokah) 2> _prezr. Vavilon, papskii prestol (o Vatikane) babylonic 1> - babylonian babylonish 1> vavilonskii 2> napominayushii vavilonskoe stolpotvorenie ili smeshenie yazykov, zaputannyi bacchae 1> vakhanki bacchanalia 1> _ist.

Vakhanaliya, prazdnestvo v chest' Vakha, Bahusa 2> (b.) vakhanaliya, orgiya bacchant(e) noun vakhanka bacchantic 1> otnosyashiisya k vakhankam; vakhicheskii bacchus 1> _mif. Vakh, Bahus ili Dionis _Ex: a lover of bacchus poklonnik Bahusa, lyubitel' vypit' backonian 1> posledovatel' filosofii Bekona 2> _lit. Storonnik mneniya, chto proizvedeniya Shekspira napisany Bekonom backs 1> parki i luzhaiki kembridzhskih kolledzhei vdol' reki Kem backus Normal form 1> (BNF) normal'naya forma Bekusa-Naura, BNF. Sposob opisaniya grammatik dlya opreleniya sintaksisa yazykov programmirovaniya. Backus Notation 1> backus normal form 1> _komp. Normal'naya forma Bekusa backus notation 1> _komp.

Normal'naya forma Bekusa backus-Naur form 1> bactrian 1> _zool. Baktrian, verblyud dvugorbyi (Camelus bactrianus) badger State 1> _am. 'Barsuchii shtat' (shutl. Nazvanie shtata Viskonsin) baedeker 1> Bedeker (nazvanie putevoditelei po raznym stranam dlya puteshestvennikov, turistov) _Ex: a baedeker to the restaurants of Europe spravochnik restoranov Evropy baffin bay noun Baffinov zaliv bag(h)dad noun g. Bagdad baggy 1> meshkovatyi; dryablyi, obvisshii _Ex: baggy cheeks dryablye sheki _Ex: baggy trousers (ponoshennye ili neotglazhennye) bryuki s puzyryami na kolenkah _Ex: baggy skin under one's eyes meshki pod glazami 2> vysokoparnyi, napyshennyi (o rechi) bagheera 1> nemnushiisya barhat, panbarhat bahadur 1> _ind. Gospodin; sudar' 2> _ind.